Friday 29 October 2010



Today I have promised myself to take the time to be more grateful. I have had quite a bit of discontent in my life this year, mainly centred around two things, my relationship & my job. The relationship I was in is now behind me & I'm lucky to be with an amazing, talented, gorgeous, funny guy, my Drummer Boy.

My job I have really been wrestling with. I no longer enjoy it but as it takes up so much of my time I kind of need to... & I used to. So I'm going to take tiny steps on a path that will hopefully lead me in the right direction, starting with being grateful.

I have a job.
I have a set salary.
I get fed every day!
I work with some fantastic people.
I have a mountain of food knowledge at my finger tips.
It's where I met DB :)

I'm healthy, I have a home, I have a salary, I have great friends, my family & a loving relationship.

I'm grateful xox

(All pics from weheartit)

Thursday 28 October 2010


So I've missed blogging.. (previously you could find me here) mostly I've missed sharing my thoughts & creating pretty posts for people but also I've missed my fellow bloggers. I didn't realise how wrapped up in their lives i'd gotten until I stepped away.

Now I'm back at a new chapter in my life and a renewed determination to start crafting again and just keep doing the things that make me genuinely happy :)

(1-4 all on my harddrive, origins lost... if you'd like crediting just let me know who you are! 5. Laura from VioletBella, 6. Taza from the Rockstar Diaries, 7 & 8 me, my bestie Kristina, & my gorgeous boyfriend, Tom x)